My Motto

Hop on. Ride hard. Repeat

Monday, July 18, 2011

Everyone has to have a "First"

This is my first blog post.  I feel exceptionally awkward/uncomfortable/vain/conceited even thinking anyone else would really give a hoot what I have to say.  About anything!  I'm one of those people who tends to have a lot of thoughts running through his head but doesn't verbalize many of them.  I suppose this would be a good way of getting some of them out there.  But why should you care?  You probably won't.  I'm OK with that.

Topics I will Likely Cover:

  • My kids - they're cute, cuddly, smart and a big ball of fun...except when they are sick, tired or hungry.  Then they have the personalities of an enraged, yet weepy, bear.
  • My wife - I probably won't say a lot about her because I don't want to get in trouble.  I will say that I love her to the depths of my heart and am continually amazed she picked me.  She deserves better.
  • Physical therapy - I'm a physical therapist.  I love what I do and am pretty sure it is what I was meant to do.  How many people can say that.
  • Bikes - most of my free mental space is taken up with bikes and stuff about bikes.  I'm a roadie mostly, but I don't race.  I ride hard, but I'm not particularly fast.  I just really like to bike.
  • Movies - I don't get to see nearly as many as I used to, but don't be surprised if a movie review pops in there.
  • Church - I hope I didn't just lose you there.  I'm not going to preach or tell you what you should or shouldn't do.  I have beliefs, they are strong, and they influence every facet of my life.  And being an exceptionally imperfect person in an imperfect world, I will not judge.  If I do, call me on the carpet.  I won't mind.
I'm sure other topics will pop up.  This is all on a whim anyway.

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